In my VP / Programming role I became the primary resource for the 33 stations and PD’s I advised and mentored. Our weekly team calls were productive – sharing ideas, company initiatives, best practices and we had some fun along the way too. I developed special programming, leveraged company deals for premiums and contests, hosted talent webinars and held quarterly drawings selecting one of our PD’s to host a group call to encourage team building.

With budgets continuing to be challenged, dwindling resources and the new normal of our work from home environment – experienced programming leadership, along with creative ideas that engage audiences on-air and online is what I’ve proven to deliver.

Attention to Detail tops the list of the most important attributes of today’s successful PD’s. It’s a distracted, disengaged, multi-tasking world, and there’s never been a time where “the little things” matter more

  • Competition is intense with consumers having more music choices than ever, many of them commercial free. You’re not only competing with stations down the dial, your competing for people’s attention
  • As Program Director, it’s your movie. You need everyone on the set executing your script. If you’re not buttoned up and organized, they’ll lose confidence in your ability, and things, at times, can unravel
  • It all comes back to having keen attention to detail on every aspect of your brand and holding yourself and those accountable for their performance. But it all begins with you as Program Director being super focused on the “little things”. Over communicate and follow-up
  • If you’re organized, have a good plan, and execute flawlessly, rarely will your staff ask, “what are we doing”?  Music scheduling is critical, so is imaging, events, coaching, and research too, but it all begins with never taking your eye off the ball, and never cutting corners. That’s why I believe attention to detail ranks highest on PD “must haves”

Consulted Stations

VP/Programming at Cumulus Media (2014 – 2020)

KLOS Los Angeles

KQRS Minneapolis

KCFX Kansas City

KSAN San Francisco

WXMX Memphis

KBER Salt Lake City

WNNX Atlanta

WOFX Cincinnati

WSMS Columbus

KKGL Boise

WXKR Toledo

WXTL Syracuse

KZEL Eugene

WILZ Saginaw

WGLO Peoria

KGGO Des Moines

WWFX Worchester

KYYI Wichita Falls

WGRF Buffalo

WKRU Green Bay

KHKK Modesto

WXFX Montgomery

WSKZ Chattanooga

KHXS Abilene

WJAD Albany

WKXS Wilmington


WLAV Grand Rapids

WQUT Johnson City

KKGB Lake Charles

WIXV Savannah

WMOS New London

KKFM Colorado Springs

VP/Adult Rock at CBS Radio (2009 – 2012)

WZGC Atlanta

WXRT Chicago

WYSP Philadelphia